Git and GitHub - adrielFab/Kaasch GitHub Wiki

Git branching is done in a specific way. There are 2 fundamental branches that are part of the project that will never be deleted:

  • Master
  • dev

For this project, we are only focusing on dev since we are only doing 1 release. When focusing on a specific task, another branch needs to be created from dev. There are 4 reasons to create a new branch from dev:

  • Feature Branch (Epic)
  • User Interface Task
  • Code Refactoring Task

First sync local with remove branches

git fetch

Change branch

git checkout dev
//you are now in dev
git pull origin dev
//you are updating dev

Creating a new branch from dev

git checkout -b Name_of_Branch dev


  • Feature (JIRA epic id)
git checkout -b IK-## dev
  • Code Refactor Task (include the author name)
git checkout -b Refactor_IK-### dev //ID of task

To avoid merge conflicts, if 2 or more people are working on the same epic, this includes user interface or code refactor, each developer must each create their own branch.

Pull Requests

Pull request take 2 parameters : base and compare

  • base: this is the branch that will accept the changes
  • compare: this is the branch that will provide the changes