Home - adriantanasa/github-wiki-sidebar GitHub Wiki

npm module

Welcome to the github-wiki-sidebar wiki!

This wiki is an example of organising your github wiki navigation in order to be used with the npm github-wiki-sidebar module to automatically generate a beautified wiki menu. You can get rid of your huge README.md files by breaking them in a project wiki with multiple pages.


Multi-level github wiki sidebar menu generator (_Sidebar.md) from the filenames in the wiki repository

github wiki sidebar generated by github-wiki-sidebar

Starting from a github wiki with the following pages:

Usage: Command line modifiers
Usage: Init Mode
Usage: Tutorial Mode

This tool can automatically generate the sidebar file (_Sidebar.md) with the menu as:

The automatically generated code is:

  * [Home](https://github.com/adriantanasa/github-wiki-sidebar/wiki/Home)
  * [Installation](https://github.com/adriantanasa/github-wiki-sidebar/wiki/Installation)
  * [Usage](https://github.com/adriantanasa/github-wiki-sidebar/wiki/Usage)
    * [Tutorial mode](https://github.com/adriantanasa/github-wiki-sidebar/wiki/Usage%3A-Tutorial-mode)
    * [Init mode](https://github.com/adriantanasa/github-wiki-sidebar/wiki/Usage%3A-Init-mode)
    * [Command line modifiers](https://github.com/adriantanasa/github-wiki-sidebar/wiki/Usage%3A-Command-line-modifiers)
  * [Roadmap](https://github.com/adriantanasa/github-wiki-sidebar/wiki/Roadmap)

[//]: # (generated by https://www.npmjs.com/package/github-wiki-sidebar)