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This is the Emoji Project page :smiley:

The project was carried out as a part of Data Science studies on Faculty of Computer Science and Management at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. It was a part of courses: Social Media Analysis, Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning.

Authors: Gabriela Relikowska, Miriam Jańczak, Adrianna Zielińska, Anna Makuś

The main goal was to answer following problem questions:

  • How do we use emojis in tweets ?
  • What are relations between emojis ?
  • Can we define the meaning of emoji?
  • What are contexts of use for emojis?
  • Can we predict emoji to text?

Emoji project consists of four parts:

1. Analysis of data collected from twitter

2. Embeddings for words and emojis

3. Emoji clustering

4. Emoji prediction based on text (classification)

Results of each part is described in corresponding pages linked above.