RSR_Partner IATI - adriancollier/demo GitHub Wiki

The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) is a data transformation standard for communicating internationally about the allocation, spending and achievements from international development cooperation. The standard is based on XML files with a published schema and codelist to enable publishers to create and deliver this information to the wider community and the public.

We have made some efforts towards unifying the data structures of RSR and IATI. We want to utilise the IATI standard as much as possible, but we realise there are elements of the RSR data structure that expand on the foundations of IATI and this additional information is necessary to keep included.

RSR to IATI Comparison

RSR to IATI Codelist

IATI V2.01
RSR to IATI v2.01 Implementation Schedule

Sample IATI v2.01 XML File with all additional RSR Fields

IATI v1.03
RSR to IATI v1.03 Implementation Schedule

Sample IATI v1.03 XML File with all additional RSR Fields

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