RSR_Dev Process Tools - adriancollier/demo GitHub Wiki

Tools for development on Mac OS X:

  1. Install Xcode from the Mac App Store
  2. Open Xcode and
    • Allow any further system library updates to be completed
    • Go to Preferences > Downloads > Components and ensure the Command Line Tools are installed
      • this will install compilation tools like gcc and development libraries such as libxml2, libxslt, etc. which are needed for compiling various Python packages later on
  3. Install MySQL 5.5 (select the Mac OS X 10.6, 64-bit, DMG archive)
  4. Install Python 2.7 for Mac OS X
  5. Setup Git and Github access:
  6. Install Homebrew
  7. Install the following packages with Homebrew:

Next: 2. Setup a local development repository

Back to: Akvo RSR developer guide

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