RSR_Dev Enivironment - adriancollier/demo GitHub Wiki

Setup for local development repositories:

  1. Clone the Akvo RSR repository to a local folder, e.g. ~/Dropbox/dev/akvo/repos:

     cd ~/Dropbox/dev/akvo/repos
     git clone

    If you get any permissions errors, ensure you've followed the Akvo RSR development tools guide

  2. Once you've cloned the repository, initialise it with git flow:

     cd akvo-rsr
     git flow init
  3. When prompted, use the default values, except for the Version tag prefix, which is "v":

     Branch name for production releases: [master]
     Branch name for "next release" development: [develop]
     How to name your supporting branch prefixes?
     Feature branches? [feature/] 
     Release branches? [release/] 
     Hotfix branches? [hotfix/] 
     Support branches? [support/] 
     Version tag prefix? [] v
  4. After git flow initialisation, you'll be in the develop branch. To start development on a new feature use:

     git flow feature start shiny_new_feature

    This will create a new branch off the develop branch called: feature/shiny_new_feature

  5. When you're done coding your new feature, push the finished work to the develop branch with:

     git flow feature finish shiny_new_feature
  6. Examples of more git flow commands are here.

  7. To use this repository with Github for Mac:

    • If you're using Github for Mac for the first time, follow the prompts to set your Github details and to locate any existing git repositories on your file system.

    • If you've already been using the Github app, add the repository you've just cloned from:

         Preferences >> Repositories >> Scan for repositories

Next: 3. Build your local development environment

Previous: 1. Tools for Akvo RSR development on Mac OS X

Back to: Akvo RSR developer guide

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