Thursday, October 24th, 2019 - adriancleung/vibes GitHub Wiki

Type of Meeting: Biweekly Scrum

Attendees: Taylor, Josh, Grayson, Adrian, David, Fatih

General Comments:

Everyone still needs to ask clarifications questions.

Set devel android API level 26 / target and source compatibility to 1.8? TA said we can use this as the minimum. TA will give feedback for porject part 2 by November 1st Adrian, Grayson, and myself will need to do that in our branches to avoid conflicts.

Ken will be adding some more user stories.

Adrian and Taylor discussed how the User class should work and methods it will need. Decided a user has a local array* of moodevents and followers. Everytime a moodevent is added/edited/or deleted its applied to the array and then backed up to the database. Whereas when we load follower moods we pull a follower from the follower array* and get info from database.

* = just some kind of collection

Goal is to have half of the story points for this sprint done by 30th (next Wednesday).


Taylor - Creeated all new issues needed and began working on Event class.

Adrian - Created his issues. Started working on USet devel min SDK to API level 26.

Grayson - Started working on MainActivity and will make an issue for it.


Taylor - Using java.Date or java.time.LocalDate/LocalTime then need min SDK 26. Clarified above.

Adrian - Follower handling in the user profile. Will address later