Thursday, November 21st, 2019 - adriancleung/vibes GitHub Wiki

Type of Meeting: Biweekly Scrum

Attendees: Taylor, Josh, Grayson, Adrian, Fatih, David

General Comments:

Present to Jakaria.

After project part 4 deadline our presentation in the lab is to the whole lab on the projector.

Decided to focus on finishing requirements and improving testing and object oriented design and ui for this part rather than worrying more about enhancements because we already have a number of features that go beyond the expectations.


Taylor - Location done. Added to Login helper. Starting to look into intent testing problems.

Adrian - Search partially implemented. Need to optomize search. Need to do on clicks to get profile. Requests/following basically implemented just need the buttons to work.

Grayson - Finished fragment reuse just needed to test.

Fatih - Just need to finish filtering.

Josh - Fixed scrolling but introduced a second issue. Should be using user pattern.

David - Started social situation.


Adrian - Updating profile picture only applies to one instance. Grayson thinks he can use firebase functions to update fully.