Sunday, October 27th, 2019 - adriancleung/vibes GitHub Wiki

Type of Meeting: Biweekly Scrum

Attendees: Taylor, Josh, Grayson, Adrian, David, Fatih

General Comments:

Move in progress work to the correct spot in the kanban board.

Recreate the test folders in the android project; Adrian did this.

Fatih - Started map; figuring out how to work with fragments. Not stuck.

Taylor - Finished the getters and setters of the Event class. Not stuck. Asked clarifications.

Josh - Working on the list of most recent moods. images from font awesome.

David - Added app to firebase. Looking into firebase functions.

Grayson - MainActivity layout and functions for switching fragments.

Josh and Grayson were both separately implementing mood list fragment; Grayson will now implement it exclusively.

Figure out how to handle private keys.

Using maps api in developer mode to avoid being charged.


  • Pick set of moods.
  • Everyone ask their clarification questions.