Bears In Authentication - adriana-401-advanced-javascript/seattle-javascript-401n13 GitHub Wiki
Authentication using tokens securely transmits information between parties as a JSON object.
Whenever the user wants to access a protected route or resource, the user agent should send the JWT, typically in the Authorization header using the Bearer schema. The content of the header should look like the following:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Steps taken:
- The application or client requests authorization to the authorization server. This is performed through one of the different authorization flows. For example, a typical OpenID Connect compliant web application will go through the /oauth/authorize endpoint using the authorization code flow.
- When the authorization is granted, the authorization server returns an access token to the application.
- The application uses the access token to access a protected resource (like an API).
This makes a secure entry to the desired product with that one token, you can use this token over and over again once received.