"Think like a Programmer, Plan your time well" - adriana-401-advanced-javascript/seattle-javascript-401n13 GitHub Wiki
There are several crucial developmental strategies to problem solving in the coding world. Here are a few steps you should always follow as you are entering the realm of software development.
The first thing you should do when given a problem domain is read through exactly what it is you are trying to solve. Don't just immediately start coding. Think through the business model, think about implications, about scale, scope, users, etc. Think about what you know, who is on your team, really think things through and find your weaknesses and strengths. Once that is established, read through it again together and figure out a plan.
When coding, think each step through, literally every step the computer has to run before it can do another step. Even if it is the most basic computing task, write it down and think of the most efficient way to execute said operation and then code it that way. Use comments in the meantime until you can find the code that fits. This way you know exactly where you are, what is missing, and where you can go.
A problem solving method is asking how and why until reaching a deeper root cause for a true issue. Like someone saying they are unhappy, asking why leads to an answer, which can lead to another and another. Technical problems can work this way too, so when in doubt ask why!
Something else that is very valuable to some people is feeling like their time is in their control. They decide what to do, when to do it, how to do it, where, and who with. They say no all the time with no remorse and plan their life according to what they feel they want to do. Personally, this is more realistic to very specific people and not myself.