CM Plan - adrian-ollero/GeoDevelopersISO2 GitHub Wiki

Configuration Management

In our company the Configuration Management Plan we are using is Standard IEEE 828.


The purpose of the Configuration Management Plan is to describe how configuration management (CM) will be conducted throughout the project life cycle. This includes documenting how CM is managed, roles and responsibilities, how configuration item (CI) changes are made, and communicating all aspects of CM to project stakeholders.

The project will utilize a local in Estacion ViaCrucis, 3 (Ciudad Real). It will add numerous capabilities in order to allow for remote access, direct ability to modify LAN/WAN environments, and improved monitoring of network tools and devices. As a result, company’s ability to perform network maintenance and updates will be significantly improved.

Additionally, the company will improve its ability to monitor all network diagnostics in real time and streamline workforce efficiency. Cost savings will be realized by greatly reducing the amount of time associated with competing network tasks and allowing employees to perform work that was previously outsourced.

In order to effectively manage the project, a coordinated Configuration Management (CM) Plan is needed. This plan will establish CM roles and responsibilities and describe how the project team will track, implement, and communicate configuration items (CIs) and changes throughout the project life cycle.

Roles and Responsibilities

In order to communicate a clear understanding of expectations, these roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined. Any work that will be performed as part of the plan must be assigned to someone and this section allows us to illustrate who owns these tasks and to communicate them to all project stakeholders.

The following roles and responsibilities pertain to the CM Plan for our company project:

  • President-> Beka Bekeri

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)-> Enrique Garrido

  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)-> Pablo Mora

  • Chief Operating Officer (COO)-> Adrián Ollero

  • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)-> Daniele Acquaviva

Configuration Control

Configuration Control is the process of systematically controlling and managing all steps of configuration throughout the project life cycle. In order to effectively handle project Configuration Management it is important to use a process which ensures only necessary configuration changes are made. Additionally, like any change management efforts, configuration change decisions must be made with the understanding of the impact of the change.

The Spotif* project will use a standardized configuration control process throughout the project life cycle in order to ensure all CIs are handled in a consistent manner and any approved changes are fully vetted regarding impact and communicated to stakeholders. It is imperative that for any software changes testing is conducted by the focus group in order to validate any changes made.

President approves the requirement. Each iteration is controlled by one of the member. CEO is responsible for ensuring that testing has been conducted, changes are entered into the CMDB log, and that all changes/edits are saved properly into the CMDB. CTO is responsible for assigning new version numbers and CMDB status for any changes made by the group. COO will coordinate the activities and the operations whereas CMO will be in charge of the marketing and web site.

Many times a CI will have a relationship with one or more other CIs within a project. The president will ensure these relationships are fully understood. He will then be responsible for illustrating these relationships and co-dependencies in the CMDB.

Configuration Management Database (CMDB)

A Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is where the organizations configuration information is stored. The Configuration Management Database (CMDB) will be the centralized repository for all configuration information for the project. The CMDB provides a common platform for the project team to edit, change, revise, and review CIs and also to ensure all documents and data are updated with the latest revision and release formats. This GitHub repository called "GeoDevelopersISO2" is the CMDB for the Spotif* project.


Each component of the group will be in charge of one version. The semantic versioning will be: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

1.MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,

2.MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and

3.PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

Configuration Status Accounting

Accounting for the status of the configuration involves the collection, processing, and reporting of the configuration data. It is important that for the project, the COO have the ability to review configuration status at any given time. These reports will consist of the following information as part of the configuration status section:

  1. Change requests
  2. Version Control
  3. Build Reporting
  4. Audits

Configuration Audit

The purpose of the configuration audit is to ensure all team members are following the established procedures and processes for configuration management. Project audits for the project will occur prior to any major software release. All configuration audits will be performed by the COO.