Minimal machine setup required for running tests - adoptium/infrastructure GitHub Wiki

Minimal test machine configuration

While we generally run the full ansible playbooks from this repository on all machines in order to set them up to be able to run builds or tests, this is not always necessary. Our static docker containers on x64 and aarch64 for example do not run the playbooks but put a minimal setup on the machines over a wide variety of OS containers in order to minimise space usage by avoid all the prerequisites required for a build system.

Broadly speaking the packages required for testing are:

  • git/wget/curl/unzip/which/hostname/gcc/ tools
  • ant + ant-contrib
  • a JDK, either in the PATH or a location set via JAVA_HOME (Maybe not?)
  • Enought to run an Xvfb server e.g. the apropriate Xvfb/libXrender/libXi/LibXtst/fontconfig
  • Appropriate language packs and fakeroot for certain activities
  • Ensuring that the output from the hostname command is a resolvable name (i.e. defined in /etc/hosts) - check with ping $(hostname)

On macos systems, ant+ant-contrib and the JDK configured as above is typically sufficient on top of a default installation if the /etc/hosts is correct.

If the machines are to be used in jenkins, and appropriate user should be created and connected to the jenkins server by whatever means is practical for the system in question. (useradd -m jenkins on Linux or sysadminctl -addUser jenkins on macos