Home - adoptium/aqa-tests GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the aqa-tests wiki!

The aqa-tests repository is the base of operations for testing at AdoptOpenJDK. It is through this repository that we bring together a wide variety of test materials to run against the different builds and releases (from the Adoptium/temurin-build repository).

We are committed to the overall goal of making testing easier. Here are some specific goals that will help to achieve that overall goal, we want developers to easily:

  • download tests and run them manually on their computer with minimal setup and friction
  • run tests against any Java version or VM implementation
  • logically organize test into groups and levels to allow for good visualization of an entire pipeline, but also for very granular testing when debugging/triaging/rerunning
  • add new tests (to any of the various categories of tests, functional, system, regression, performance, etc)
  • exclude and re-include tests as defects are found and fixed
  • view the output of tests in a standardized way (even if the underlying test frameworks use different output formats)
  • download test artifacts for deeper review or analysis
  • be able to re-use the continuous integration scripts should they wish to run automated testing via Jenkins