HybridCryptography (Core) Guide - adonisv79/swish-protocol GitHub Wiki


  • AESKeySet - An object containing necessary values used for AES cryptography
    • key (Buffer) - the 16 byte AES encryption key
    • iv (Buffer) - the 16 byte AES initialization vector
  • RSAKeySet - An object containing the public and private key values used for RSA cryptography
    • private (string) - The private RSA key
    • public (string) - The publicRSA key
  • SwishKeys - defines the structure of the Swish key set passed between transmissions
    • swishIV (string) - the encrypted initialization vector to be used for the AES encryption/decryption
    • swishKey (string) - the encrypted AES key to be used for the AES encryption/decryption
    • swishNextPublic (string) - the encrypted public key to be used for the next request/response
  • SwishHeaders - defines the structure of the Swish headers that is passed between client browser and the server. this extends the interface SwishKeys and thus contains all its properties
    • swishAction (string) - defines the action being rendered
    • swishSessionId (string) - the session identifier used by a server implementing swish to identify user session
  • SwishBody - defines the structure of a swish body message
    • enc_body (string) - this is the encrypted payload content in base64 format
    • is_json (boolean) - indicates if the payload is originally a JSON object
  • SwishPackage -Defines an ancapsulated object containing the swish header and body
    • headers (SwishHeaders) - The Swish request header data
    • body (SwishBody) - The Swish request body data
  • HybridEncryptResult - Defines the response object of the hybrid encryption process
    • createdDate (number) - defines the timestamp the new swish encryptions are generated
    • body (SwishBody) - The encrypted data
    • keys (SwishKeys) - The generated swish keys
    • nextPrivate (string) - The next private key to be used
  • HybridDecryptResult- Defines the response object of the hybrid decryption process
    • data (Buffer) - The decrypted buffer value of the data
    • nextPublic(string) - The next private key to be used



Creates an randomized AESKeySet


Applies AES Encryption using an AES key and iv and returns the encrypted data (in base64 string form)


  • data (crypto.BinaryLike) - The data to encrypt
  • aes (AESKeySet ) - The AES Key Set which contains the key and initialization vector values


Applies AES Decryption to the base64+AES encrypted data using an AES key and iv and returns the decrypted data in its string or JSON object form)


  • encData (string) - The encrypted data to unpack
  • isJson (boolean) - Indicates if it was originally a JSON object
  • aes (AESKeySet ) - The AES Key Set which contains the key and initialization vector values


Creates a new RSAKeySet (public-private) key value pair


  • passphrase (string) - The special passphrase to use the decryption/private key


Encrypts the data with AES and then encrypts the AES keys with RSA and returns a new HybridEncryptResult object.


  • data (BinaryLike | object) - The data to encrypt. If this is an object, returned 'isJson' will be set to true
  • rsaPub (string) - the RSA public string to use for encryption


Decrypts the hybrid encrypted data and returns the HybridDecryptResult


  • body (SwishBody) - The payload to decrypt
  • keys (SwishKeys) - The SwishKeys that contain information on how to decrypt the data and the next public in the chain
  • privateKey (string) - the next private key for decryption in the chain
  • passphrase (string) - the Passphrase used to generate the RSA private key