Google Cloud SDK (Docker Kubernetes DevOps) Cheatsheet - adonisv79/ GitHub Wiki
Note: You must have installed the Google Cloud SDK tool to perform these
Docker registry
Add Google's Container Registry to your local docker setup
gcloud auth configure-docker
List installed components
gcloud components list
Install kubectl component (if you still have not)
gcloud components install kubectl
Remove kubectl component
gcloud components removekubectl
Projects (gcloud projects --help)
Get the list of projects
gcloud projects list
Set the default project and zone
gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud config set compute/zone [COMPUTE_ENGINE_ZONE]
Compute zones (gcloud compute zones --help)
Get the valid zones list
gcloud compute zones list
Container Clusters (gcloud container clusters --help)
Create a new cluster
// format: gcloud container clusters create {cluster-name} --num-nodes={number of nodes to be created}
gcloud container clusters create guestbook --num-nodes=2
List the cloud clusters in your project
gcloud container clusters list
Get details about the cluster
gcloud container clusters describe {cluster-name}
Get credentials for a cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials {cluster-name}
Container Node Pools (gcloud container node-pools --help)
List all node pools in a cluster
// format: gcloud container node-pools list --cluster={cluster-name}
gcloud container node-pools list --cluster=sample-cluster
Kubectl in GCLOUD
to run kubectl in gcloud, make sure to have installed kubectl
// first run the following to see if kubectl component is already installed
gcloud components list
// if not install it
gcloud components install kubectl
// test by running some commands like the following
kubectl get pods
// NOTE: In case you get the following error. this is because none of the credentials for your specific clusters are loaded for kubernetes
/* Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp [::1]:8080: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. */
/// run the following to fix
gcloud container clusters get-credentials {cluster-name}