2. Basic Installation and Use - adolan5/myCMD GitHub Wiki


  1. Clone the repo (so long as you have some form of git installed on Windows)
    > git clone https://github.com/adolan5/mycmd.git
  2. Copy mycmd\* into where you want myCMD to live (I'd recommend C:\tools\mycmd or something simple)
  3. (Optionally) download keypress.exe from the releases section, and place it in mycmd\executables.
    Alternatively, you can compile keypress.exe yourself using MinGW/msys.
  • It is very likely that your web browser will try to discard this file for security purposes. That's okay, you don't have to have it to use myCMD.

Note 1: This executable is for the about.bat script. If you don't care about animated letters (that I worked really hard on), feel free to skip this step and delete about.bat.
Note 2: The MD5 checksum of keypress.exe is currently: 2799cd8f560e9ec1edc9e3b56fb91e23 4. Add your mycmd\scripts directory to your PATH.
This is where your terminal will access the scripts. You do not need to add mycmd\executables to your path. 5. Rename scripts\startup_example.bat to startup.bat 6. Configure scripts\startup.bat for your environment (set aliases, set installation directories, etc.)
More on configuring startup.bat

Using myCMD

Since you (hopefully) added your myCMD install directory to your PATH, you can run myCMD by typing mycmd in a regular cmd (meta), or you can type mycmd in Run (WinKey+r).

Creating a shortcut

Additionally, you may want to create a shortcut to cmd.exe (C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe), and configure it to read in your startup.bat. You can do so by changing its 'target' field (in the properties menu of the shortcut itself) to:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /K Path\to\your\startup.bat

For example:
This way, you can open myCMD via a shortcut, and can even pin it to your task bar after launching it.
Note: It may also be beneficial to change the "start in" target to a 'home' directory of your choice This way, you can run myCMD from a shortcut and even pin it to your task bar after launching it.