changelog - adogio/dogUI GitHub Wiki


  • Version 4.4.5
    • Fix version numbers on NPM
    • Fix dependence bugs
  • Version 4.4.4
    • Upade documents
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 4.4.3
    • Initiallize angular components
    • Will move to version 5 after angular completed
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 4.4.2
    • Fix minor bugs (Minor bug horriable)
  • Version 4.4.1
    • Make default draw view to right for not replaced by mostly app's motion
    • Fix interfaces bugs
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Add typo fixer for extends and interfaces
  • Version 4.4.0
    • Update fold calling function
      • Now use slot=half and normally slot to use it
    • Add draw menu
      • Add draw to extend to use it
      • Use div slot=draw in cover to input content in it
    • Make vue plug in more elegant
    • Ester egg now have 96 percent default percentage
    • Update tiny document in readme
    • Fix bugs in cover vue
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 4.3.7
    • Add small version of static
      • Use dog-small or sampler version of sma to use it
  • Version 4.3.6
    • Alert not competable with any langth of information
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 4.3.5
    • Fix switch hidden bug
    • Fix nav bar example issue
    • Add description of plugin
  • Version 4.3.4
    • Add sample mode
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 4.3.3
    • Move back function to addon interface
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Add ester eggs
  • Version 4.3.2
    • Fixed differnet plantform have different view of switch issue
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Clean codes
  • Version 4.3.1
    • Fix issue of switch
    • Fix padding bugs
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 4.3.0
    • Add fold block Use slot name for dwo divitions
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Fix font bugs
  • Version 4.2.2
    • Add watch of switch button
    • Fix outlanding
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 4.2.1
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Small modiified margein and pedding
    • Beautify
  • Version 4.2.0
    • Add switch button module
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 4.1.0
    • Add dog-static module
    • Add Credit module
    • Use addOn to inital dog variable
    • Add interface settings
  • Version 4.0.0
    • Now dogui import both part component and interface
    • Use Vue.use(dogui.vue) or Vue.use(vue) to import it
  • Version 3.1.1
    • Update calling function of qrcode
    • Make qrcode avaiable with text
  • Version 3.1.0
    • Third and forth argument of dog.qrcode for center and topper picture
    • Fix minorbug
  • Version 3.0.2
    • Going to add react version of dogui
    • Fix minor bug
  • Version 3.0.1
    • Support html tags in alert
  • Version 3.0.0
    • Create desktop version of dogui
    • Analysis import methods
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Update colors
    • Add gitkeepers dumb file
  • Version 2.2.5
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Remove bottom white bar
    • Fix ugly colors
  • Version 2.2.4
    • Fix late nav bar bugs
  • Version 2.2.3
    • Fix cover bug
    • Fix ugly colors again
  • Version 2.2.2
    • Fix ugly colors
  • Version 2.2.1
    • Fix life line error
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 2.2.0
    • Update readme
    • Make block content appear faster
    • Update loading animations
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Clean codes
    • Add config file
    • Fix textarea bugs
    • Add color collection
  • Version 2.1.4
    • Fix minor bug
    • Fix display bugs
    • Add starter value for select box
  • Version 2.1.3
    • Fix select on change
  • Version 2.1.2
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 2.1.1
    • Fix alert bugs
    • Fix auto option bugs from selector
    • Update example case
  • Version 2.1.0
    • Add alert module
  • Version 2.0.0
    • Change window calling methods
    • Now all window function changed to
    • Fix bugs
  • Version 1.8.11 (removed)
    • fix minor bugs
    • Make nav abr works more smoothly
  • Version 1.8.10 (removed)
    • Change all displaying info to 'info'
    • Make animate of loading shorter
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Using latest doglib
  • Version 1.8.9 (removed)
    • Fix input issue
  • Version 1.8.8 (removed)
    • Update size
    • Fix issue
  • Version 1.8.7 (removed)
    • Fix date input issue
    • Fix dollar icon issue
  • Version 1.8.6 (removed)
    • Perfect input margin size
    • Add money, pass, tel, email, date input functions
    • Add input signial to select panel
  • Version 1.8.5 (removed)
    • Add input hint for input and textarea
    • Fix testarea minor bugs
  • Version 1.8.4 (removed)
    • Fix white border bug
  • Version 1.8.3 (removed)
    • Beautify tables
    • Componented padding bar
  • Version 1.8.2 (removed)
    • Ifx table bug
  • Version 1.8.1 (removed)
    • Update table format
  • Version 1.8.0 (removed)
    • Add qrcode function
    • thanks for qrgenerate js source code
  • Version 1.7.2 (removed)
    • Fix input pre value bug
  • Version 1.7.1 (removed)
    • Add padding line to upload page
    • fix bugs
  • Version 1.7.0 (removed)
    • Add Uploading view
    • Add nav bar view
    • Fix bugs
    • Update cover view
  • Version 1.6.1 (removed)
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Fix border color
  • Version 1.6.1 (removed)
    • Fix minor bugs
    • Fix textarea bugs
    • Fix bounding bugs
  • Version 1.6.0 (removed)
    • Add Pictures view
    • Add Domb view
  • Version 1.5.1 (removed)
    • Fix minor bugs
  • Version 1.5.0 (removed)
    • Add Info view
    • Fix bugs
  • Version 1.4.0 (removed)
    • Add Cover view
    • Add loading view
    • Fix input bugs
  • Version 1.3.0 (removed)
    • Add Textarea view
    • Fix bugs
  • Version 1.2.1 (removed)
    • FIx minor bugs
  • Version 1.2.0 (removed)
    • Add Bar view
    • Add Search bar view
  • Version 1.1.0 (removed)
    • Add picture upload view
    • Add selector view
    • Fix bugs
  • Version 1.0.0 (removed)
    • Update to useable version
    • Input view
    • Block view
    • Title view
    • Cell view