Vue api - adogio/dogUI GitHub Wiki


Table of Contents



  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-cover
      • Sample -> cov
  • Props
    • Info: String -> the display text in the loading screen.
    • Icon: String -> the font awesome icon name in the middle of the loading screen.
  • Slots
    • Things going to show after loading.
    • (slot="draw") content that display in draw table (only working with extend draw triggired)


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-title
      • Sample -> tit
  • Props
    • Info: String -> the title that displayed on very top of the page.
    • Icon: String -> the icon that displayed on left site of title.
  • Slots
    • Things going to show inside title.


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-block
      • Sample -> blo
  • Props
    • Info: String -> the title that displayed on block's top.
    • Icon: String -> the icon that displayed on left site of info.
  • Slots
    • Things going to show inside the block.


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-input
      • Sample -> inp
  • Props
    • v-model: variable of string -> two way bounded variable with input box
    • @oninput: function(event) -> call the function with event when input change
  • Slots
    • The title of input.


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-textarea
      • Sample -> tex
  • Props
    • v-model: variable of string -> two way bounded variable with input box
    • @oninput: function(event) -> call the function with event when input change
  • Slots
    • The title of input.


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-button
      • Sample -> but
  • Props
    • color: string -> color of button, avaliable options:
      • blue
      • green
      • red
      • orange
      • purple
      • black
    • size: string -> size of button, avaliable options:
      • xl
      • large
      • normal
      • small
    • icon: string -> font awesome icon that will display on button
    • @onclick: function() -> call the function when click on the button
  • Slots
    • Button content


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-cell
      • Sample -> cel
  • Props
    • left: string -> content that display on the left of cell
  • Slots
    • Content that display on the right of cell


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-info
      • Sample -> inf
  • Props
    • Info: String -> the title that displayed on block's top.
    • Icon: String -> the font awesome icon that displayed on left site of info. (optional)
      • If no icon proped will appear with default infotmation-o of font awesome
  • Slots
    • Content of information


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-static
      • Sample -> sta
  • Props
    • Icon: String -> the font awesome icon that displayed on left site of info. (optional)
      • If no icon proped will appear with default arraw-right of font awesome
  • Slots
    • Content of static information
  • Warning
    • This component only render once, content will never change after mounted


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-small
      • Sample -> sma
  • Props
    • Icon: String -> the font awesome icon that displayed on left site of info. (optional)
      • If no icon proped will appear with default arraw-right of font awesome
  • Slots
    • Content of static information
  • Warning
    • This component only render once, content will never change after mounted


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-select
      • Sample -> sel
  • Props
    • v-model: variable of string -> two way bounded variable with selected if box
    • list: array of object or array of string -> the array use to display and select in select component
      • example of list: ['bejing', 'shanghai'] array of string
        • In this example the select box will display beijing and shanghai
        • While select any of them, the v-model variable will be beijing or shanghai
      • example of list: [{id: 1, name: 'beijing'},{id: 2, name: 'shanghai'}] array of object
        • In this example the select box will display beijing and shanghai
        • While select any of them, the v-model variable will be 1 or 2
  • Slots
    • The title of select.

picture view

  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-view
      • Sample -> vie
  • Props
    • srcs: array of string -> A array of picture url (either url or base 64) that in display
  • Slots
    • Title of picture block

search bar

  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-search
      • Sample -> sea
  • Props
    • placeholder: string -> the place holder of search bar
    • @change: function(event) -> when input in search bar, call this function with input event
  • Slots
    • Nothing.

Fold block

  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-fold
      • Sample -> fol
  • Props
    • Info: String -> the title that displayed on block's top.
    • Icon: String -> the font awesome icon that displayed on left site of info.
  • Slots
    • The full content of fold block that will be folded
    • (slot="half") the half content that will be aleways displayed

Float button

  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-float
      • Sample -> flo
  • Props
    • icon: string -> display icon on the button (optional)
    • @click: Function -> the function will be triggered after click
  • Slots
    • Stuff that should display on the button


  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-credit
      • Sample -> cre
  • Props
    • icon: string -> display icon on the button (optional)
  • Slots
    • Stuff that should display on the credit
    • Setting in Addon: credit -> string to display company name

Top Credit

  • Component
    • Tag name
      • Regular -> dog-top
      • Sample -> top
  • Props
    • icon: string -> display icon on the button (optional)
    • img: string -> ling og img
    • src: string -> link of img (both img and src do same thing)
  • Slots
    • Stuff that should display on the right side of credit
    • Setting in Addon: name, appName -> string to display left side of credit



  • Effect area
    • In dog cover
  • Function
    • dog.alert(icon, content);
  • Arguments
    • icon: string -> the icon that will be poped up with alert (optional)
    • content: string -> the content that will be poped up with alert
  • Effect
    • Popup a alert from buttom
  • Warning
    • Use settimeout for more then 5 ms bewteen two alerts to avoid issue.


  • Effect area
    • In dog cover
  • Function
    • dog.unload();
  • Effect
    • Stop loading screen of dog cover


  • Effect area
    • In dog cover
  • Function
    • dog.upload();
  • Effect
    • Switch the page display to upload page

double check

  • In development


  • Effect area
    • In dog cover
    • Select extend qrcode
  • Function
    • dog.qrcode(url, content, settings);
  • Arguments
    • url: string -> the qrcode pointing url or a sentence
    • content: string -> the content that will display under qrcode
    • settings: object (optional)
      • mode: string -> image for image mode, text for text mode
      • topper: string -> display strings's image or text itself on the top of page
      • center: string -> display strings's image or text itself on the center of qrcode
  • Effect
    • Popup a qrcode page that contain a qrcode.

draw menu

  • Effect area
    • In dog cover
    • Select extend draw
  • Function
    • dog.draw(status);
  • Arguments
    • status: boolean -> if true, only working with draw table closed
  • Effect
    • Popup a draw table.