Development Scripts - adobe/reactor-extension-alloy GitHub Wiki

Several npm scripts have been provided for assisting in development. Each script can be run by navigating to the cloned repository directory in a terminal and executing npm run scriptname where scriptname is the name of the script you would like to run. The most useful scripts are as follows:

  • package Builds and packages the extension to a zip file ready to be uploaded to Launch.
  • upload Same as package but also uploads the extension package to Launch.
  • dev Spins up a sandbox where you can manually test the extension. More details about the sandbox can be found here.
  • lint Analyzes code for potential errors.
  • format Formats code to match agreed-upon style guidelines.
  • test:unit Runs unit tests against source files. Unit tests can be found in the test/unit directory.
  • test:unit:coverage Same as test:unit, but will also produce a coverage report.
  • test:unit:watch Same as test:unit, but will re-run the tests as you change source files or test files.
  • test:unit:watch:chrome Same as test:watch, but will run the tests inside of Chrome (non-headless) for easier debugging.
  • test:functional Runs functional tests against source files. Functional tests can be found in the test/functional directory.
  • test:functional:watch Same as test:functional, but will allow you to quickly re-run tests as changes are made.
  • test:functional:watch:debug Same as test:functional:watch, but will allow you to debug "server-side" TestCafe code.
  • test Runs unit and functional tests against source files. Tests can be found in the test directory.

When you attempt to commit code changes, several of the above tasks will be run automatically to help ensure that your changes pass tests and are consistent with agreed-upon standards.