Hackathon ‐ BSL ‐ 12‐2 ‐ 12‐6 - adobe/da-live GitHub Wiki
This is an un-official hackathon with no budget. Several team members will be in town the following week for the Helix Workshop and we are doing a small gathering the week before in the Basel office. Exact days have not been determined.
I hear this is an operations workshop, are you going to operate all day?
In this operations workshop, we will discuss how we are operating our services, what changes can, should and need to be made to improve quality of service for our customers and quality of life of our operators. We will try to keep it hands-on, so instead of presentations, we will rely on code to settle arguments, this means we won't be hacking all the time, there will also be plenty of programming and coding.
The main purpose of the hackathon is social: allow the team to reconnect, meet new team members for the first time, and work on stuff that won't fit neatly into a 45-minute Teams meeting.
Topics that should be complete by December and will impact discussions:
- Single bucket
- On-call
- Cloudflare Account
- On-call / Ops feedback
- Security /
Locked files/ user authorization - content.da.live authentication
- Service-level authorizations
- DA ❤️ UE idea share
- Collab for sheets
- Update documentation, include in www.aem.live
- @bosschaert
- @karlpauls
- @auniverseaway
- @jenssingler (Tue-Thu)
- @bstopp
- @chrischrischris
- @trieloff (Tue-Thu)