L4: Create an Auto Target Test - adobe-target/mobile GitHub Wiki

Level Beginner
Time 15 mins

What is Auto Target?

Auto-Target uses advanced machine learning to select from multiple high-performing marketer-defined experiences, and serves the most tailored experience to each visitor based on his or her individual customer profile and the behavior of previous visitors with similar profiles, in order to personalize content and drive conversions

How can we enable it?

On step 2 (Targeting) of the AB testing workflow, you have the option of changing your traffic allocation to Auto-target for personalized experiences. Selecting this option enables the systems to leverage Sensei machine learning to personalize a visitor’s experience based on their current Target visitor profile. mobile-l3-autotarget-select


Step 1 : Your unique user number

Make sure you know your unique user number. Your unique user number is on the paper on your work station. If you don't have one, please inform the instructor or one of the teaching assistance.

Step 2 : Create your Target location

2a. Open Xcode and navigate to ATViewController.m


2b. Scroll down to the method with the name - (void)ATActivity. The code to create a Target Location is already in place. This snippet makes a call to the Target server and gets the content for that particular location. All you have to do is uncomment the code.

  • Go to line #28 and delete "/*".
  • Go to line #47 and delete "*/".

After you delete line #28 and #47, your method should look like this


2c. Here a1-L750-at is the name of the target location. Replace a1 with your unique user number.


2d. Hit Cmd + S to save the file.

Step 3 : Create your A/B test in the Target UI

3a. Go to the Target UI.

3b. Click the blue 'Create Activity' button and then select A/B Test


3c. Select the 'Form' option and click Next


3d. Rename your activity. Prefix your activity with your user number followed by L750. (Eg: K7-L750-AT).

Since all the participants are sharing the same account, it is very important to add the prefix (Eg: K7-L750) to all your activities


3e. Select or type your location in the box. If your location isn't showing up in the dropdown, that is alright.


3f. Click on the small arrow after 'Default Content' and select 'Change Offer'. This will open a dialog. Select create HTML Offer from the dialog.


3g. Give a meaningful name for this experience (eg: Travel To Canyon Offer) so that it is easy to review.


3h. Click on 'Add Experience' and repeat steps 3f and 3g to add your 5OFF and New Hero Image experiences. After you complete this step, your screen should look like this


3i. Click 'Next' and review your test setup and select 'Auto Target'


3j. Click 'Next' to go to the Goal & Settings screen. On this screen, select 'Adobe Target' as your reporting source.

Select Viewed an mbox > conversion > order-complete


In this lab exercise, we are using Target as a reporting source.

3l. Click 'Save' and wait a few seconds for the activity to sync. Once it syncs, click on Activate


Step 4 : Verify your AT Test

4a. Go to Xcode and press the play button.

4b. Target will now randomly assign you into one of the three test experiences. Tada! You've successfully created your first AT test. I got the 15% Off coupon. What did you get?
