L6 : Send Custom Data : Profile Parameters - adobe-target/mobile-lab GitHub Wiki

Step 1: What are profile parameters

Profile parameters are stored in the visitor profile store and are persistent across sessions and channels. Profile parameters

  • Are accessible across multiple mboxes and activities (eg: total spend in a given month)
  • Are useful for storing cross channel profile data that is synced in real time (eg: a search term on the website that you can use to modify your app experience)
  • Can be queried using a REST API
  • Can be updated individually or in bulk.

Step 2: Setting profile parameters

Any key that has a prefix profile followed by a period/dot (eg: profile.totalSpend, profile.lastSearchTerm, profile.zipcode)

In ProfileParamsViewController.h, we are setting profile parameters and we will use that to show different experiences.

If you are a Game of Thrones fan, set the last name of popular characters from the show on profile.gotlastname

If you are a NBA fan, set the last name of top players on profile.nbalastname

This is a randomizer which assigns you into a house on profile.house and profile.playername. You can use this or set your own params as above.

Step 4: Build your audience

4a. Create your audiences using the profile parameters that you just set.

4b. We are going to build audiences using the profile parameters that you just set. Click the Create Audience button, give a name for your audience and select 'Visitor Profile'.



4c. Use the copy audience option to easily duplicate and build your other audiences.

Step 5 : Set up an XT test.

5a. Create your audience. All the values should be under 'Visitor Profile'

5b. Choose and image offer and select the right images.