Introduction - adobe-target/mobile-lab GitHub Wiki

Welcome to L4206 - Optimizing your mobile apps


Ram Parthasarathy, Product Manager – Adobe Target, [email protected]

Kollin Killian , Sr Business Consultant, [email protected]


In this lab, you will learn how to optimize and personalize your native mobile applications using Adobe Target. Before you begin, identify your level and set your expectations. This will help you navigate this lab effectively. Please be advised that the lab will likely have more content than what you can finish in 90 minutes and that is alright. These levels and lessons are just a guidance.

Select your Level

Level 1 - I am a non-technical business user (marketer, optimization manager, consultant, mobile product manager etc) and I am not familiar with Adobe Target or the concept of A/B Testing.

Level 2 - I am a non-technical business user familiar with Adobe Target or the concept of A/B testing and I have used it on the web.

Level 3 - I am a developer, architect or implementation consultant.


  • If you are in Level 1, you should aim to complete all the basic lessons.
  • If you are in Level 2, you should aim to complete all the basic and intermediate lessons
  • If you are in Level 3, you should aim to complete all the basic, intermediate lessons and 1 or more advanced lessons