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Enabling the AAM integration in the JSON config file

AAM and server-side forwarding was enabled for you when your AGS Sandbox was provisioned. However, the code changes necessary to account for that forwarding were configured back in Exercise #1 when you configured your SDK. For informational purposes it's important to note that the following settings in the JSON config are for AAM.

"audienceManager": {
"server": "xxx.demdex.com",
"analyticsForwardingEnabled": true,
"timeout": 5

With server-side forwarding enabled, it is possible to create a couple of traits and segments without any further implementation. What this means, is that all data that is sent to Adobe Analytics, is also forwarded to Adobe Audience Manager. So without any additional code changes, we can configure and use a segment in Audience Manager.

With the core services automatically sharing segments between Audience Manager and Target, we can then set up an Activity that uses a segment created in Audience Manager.

Create AAM Data Sources for Mobile Data

Before we start setting up the Segment (or Audience), we need to create a data source. In Audience Manager, A Data source is a configuration that your segments and traits are linked to. It is also used for other purposes but that is out of the scope of this session.

  1. If necessary, log into your Marketing Cloud Org

  2. Use the solution switcher in the top nav to move to Audience Manager.

  3. In the AAM interface, click on 'Manage Data' in the left nav.

  4. Create a new data source to house Mobile App Analytics data by doing the following:

  • Click on 'Data Sources' in the left nav.
  • Click '+ Add New' on the 'Data Sources' screen.
  • Name the data source 'Target Mobile Lab Analytics' and provide a description if you'd like.
  • Leave all other settings as default and click the blue 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Note the new data source you just created.

Create AAM Traits

Signals are the smallest data units in Audience Manager and are expressed as key-value pairs. A Trait is a combination of one or more Signals. For every screen you view in the mobile app, an analytics call is send. This call includes key-value pairs like 'device=mobile'. This signal can be captured in a trait:

  1. Click on 'Traits' in the left nav (if necessary, access the AAM interface and click on 'Manage Data' first).
  2. On the Traits screen, create a new folder to house your traits created from Analytics data by doing the following:
  • Hover over the 'All Traits' folder and click the '+' sign right next to it.
  • In the 'Add Folder' Dialogue box, enter the name 'Target Mobile Lab' and click the blue 'Save' button.

Create a trait to capture any mobile app visitors by doing the following:

  1. Click '+ Add New' in the top left and select 'Rule-Based'.
  2. On the 'Rule-Based Trait' creation page, name the trait 'Mobile App User' and provide a description if you'd like.
  3. Set the 'Data Source' drop down to the 'Target Mobile Lab' data source created previously in this exercise.
  4. In the 'Store In:' section, select the 'Target Mobile Lab Data' folder you just created.
  5. Expand the 'Trait Expression' section.
  • In the 'Key' field enter the text 'c_contextdata.device'.
  • Change the 'Operator' to '=='.
  • In the 'Value' field enter the text 'mobile'.
  • Click the blue 'Add Rule' button.
  • Click the blue 'Save' button at the very bottom of the rule builder to save this rule-based trait.

Create AAM Segment

A segment consists of one more traits. In this example, we create a segment out of the trait we just created.

  • Go to 'segments' in the left menu'
  • Create a folder 'Target Mobile Lab' in the same way you created the trait folder in the previous section
  • Click on the 'add new' button and fill in the following fields:
  • Name: Give the segment a unique name
  • Data Source: The Data source you just created
  • Select the folder you created
  • Add the trait you just created
  • Press save

Use the Audience created in Audience Manager to Target on your mobile app

Note that creating segments in Audience Manager takes some time to 'bake'. In other words, it can take up to two hours for the segments to be available in Target. As we have only 45 minutes in this lab, we have pre-created a segment for you that is already working. Have a look at the trait "Lifetime Spend Over 800" and segment "Lifetime Spent over 800" in Audience Manager.

If you go back to Target using the solution switcher, you will see that this segment is also present in the audience list of Target.

In this last exercise, go ahead and create a Experience Target Activity, using the "Lifetime Spent over 800" audience in Target, in the "Audience Manager" screen of the app