A5. VEC and SPA Websites - adobe-target/clientside GitHub Wiki

In this exercise, we will learn about some of the gotchas in a SPA implementation and solve them.

Step 1: Navigating a SPA

  • Navigate to the link Transformer Family on the React App
  • Click on the Home link to go back to the homepage
  • Notice that the personalization on this page has been reverted and is no longer visible. Let's solve this problem that would happen on most Single Page Applications.

Step 2: Working with Route Changes

Routers in React are like the URLs for the SPA website. Each route maps to a particular SPA page or view. Unlike traditional website, where navigating across links would lead to a page load, SPAs do not refresh the page. There is however an easy way to let Target know when these changes happen.

  • Go to the Brackets app that you have opened before
  • Click on the index.js (under src) file from the left panel.
  • Uncomment the block from Line 33 to 41 so that by removing lines 33 and 41. Leave rest of the code intact.
    • Notice that we have added a CustomEvent named at-view-start whenever the history (represented as routes) of the page changes. We will use Launch to add a listener to this event so that we can call the right Target methods.

Step 3: Add a new Rule to Launch

  • Go to the Launch Tab
  • Open your property quick-start-XX that you created in Exercise 3.
  • Go to the Rules tab in Launch and click on + Add Rule.
  • Give this rule a name : spa-target-rule-XX. Note that XX is your Participant ID.
  • Under the Events section add a custom event. In the Event Configuration, select following options and save.
    • Extension: Core
    • Event Type: Custom Event
    • Custom Event Type: at-view-start
    • Select any element
    • Click on Keep Changes
  • Under the Actions section add the actions that we want to perform.
    • Click on + Add. In the Action Configuration, add
      • Extension: Adobe Target
      • Action Type: Add Params to Global Mbox
      • Set Name and Value as accountId and XX respectively. XX is your participant ID.
      • Save by clicking on Keep Changes
    • Click on + Add to trigger the Global Mbox call.
      • Extension: Adobe Target
      • Action Type: Fire Global Mbox
      • Leave Body Hiding as Enabled.
      • Save by clicking on Keep Changes
    • Save the Actions
  • Save the Rule by clicking on the Save button.
  • Publish your changes
    • Go to Publishing tab
    • Click on the small Down Arrow near your library
    • Hit on Edit option
    • Under the New Resources section below, click on Add All Changed Resources. This adds all the changes to your Launch library.
    • Then click on Save & Build for Development button

The new rules for supporting your SPA website has now been published.

Step 4: Confirm on your SPA App

Navigate across your SPA app navigation links and return back to home. You will notice that the experience is now consistently visible as you navigate back-and-forth from the homepage.

Next Step: A6. Troubleshoot with Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger