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Welcome to the Client Side Personalization Lab at Summit, 2018.

By the time you finish reading this sentence, your web architecture could be out of date. The web is moving at a breakneck pace, and technologies are changing constantly and rapidly. Adobe has built a new implementation library from the ground up to support the modern web and help you adapt to the changing times. AT.JS is a JavaScript library built for single-page applications but works with any platform and framework. Learn how to take advantage of the extension libraries of AT.JS to streamline your deployment of React.js applications.

In this hands-on lab:

  • Introduction to Client Side Personalization with Adobe Target
  • Setting up Target on a React.js application using Adobe Launch
  • Understand the basics of a Single Page Application design and how it impacts authoring in Adobe Target Visual Experience Composer
  • Learn about AT.js client side APIs
  • Troubleshoot your client-side implementation using Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger

Start the Lab