Getting Design Space running in French - adobe-photoshop/spaces-design GitHub Wiki

**In Creative Cloud app: **
Click on a gear icon at the top-right corner, and select Preferences.
Select "Creative Cloud” and then “Apps”.
From APP LANGUAGE pop-up, select Français (Maroc).
Exit Preferences by clicking left arrow at the top-left corner.
Select Apps tab.
Install Photoshop CC 2015 (if you already have it installed, this just installs the additional language pack, not a complete re-install).

**After Photoshop CC 2015 install: **
Launch Ps and go to Preferences->Interface, then select "French: North African” if it is in English, or “Francais: Afrique de Nord” if it is in French. Restart Ps.
Go to Preferences->Technology Previews.
Enable Design Space (Preview) checkbox.

Don't forget to reset the APP LANGUAGE pop-up in the Creative Cloud app to the language of your original choice .