Feature Spec Tool: Select - adobe-photoshop/spaces-design GitHub Wiki
Canvas Interactions
Select tool is used to click (select) objects (single or multiple) on canvas and move/transform(scale/rotate) them
Arrow keys should move/nudge selected objects 1 pixel (Shift key + arrow should move objects 10 pixels)
Mouse over objects should reveal a blue highlighted bounding box
Users should be able to marquee select objects (single or multiple) on canvas
Double-click on vector or type layers will enter Edit mode (Esc/Enter should commit changes and exit edit mode)
Double-click on a group will drill down into the layer hierarchy (Esc key will move up the layer hierarchy and deselect all at the top level. Esc + Alt will hold the top level selection)
Objects selected on canvas should also be selected in the Layers pane (layers panel should auto-scroll selected layer into view)
Objects selected on canvas should show transform handles (allows scale/rotate)
Rotating or scaling objects should auto-commit (unlike Free Transform)
Objects that are locked in the layers panel should not be selectable or reveal any mouse over highlighting or transform controls
Cmd/Ctrl: allows selection of leaf layers on canvas (ignores groups), reveals smart guides (when enabled)
Cmd/Ctrl + click: selects layers discontiguously in layers panel
Shift + click: holding down the Shift key allows you to multi-select objects on canvas or contiguous selection in layers panel
Shift + Cmd/Ctrl + click: will add to select and ignore groups on canvas (works with marquee select also)
Alt + drag: duplicates selected objects (includes artboards)
Space: hand tool that pans canvas
Delete: will delete selected layers
Panel Interactions
When objects are moved/scaled on canvas, the transform fields should reflect those changes (W/H/X/Y)
When an object is selected in the layers panel, it should also be selected on canvas (and show transform controls)