Feature Spec Tool: Rectangle, Ellipse - adobe-photoshop/spaces-design GitHub Wiki

Canvas Interactions

  • Once the shape tool is selected, dragging it out on the canvas should create a rectangle/ellipse layer of the size that was dragged out. Height and width inputs in the panel should reflect the values of the layer. X and Y inputs in the panel should reflect the midpoint of the shape.
  • W/H HUD will be displayed while dragging out shapes (if Space is used to adjust position, X/Y will also appear in the HUD)


  • "r" selects the Rectangle Tool
  • "u" selects the Rectangle Tool (same as Standard PS)
  • Shift + u: toggles between Rectangle and Ellipse tools (same as Standard PS)
  • "e" selects the Ellipse Tool
  • Shift + drag initiate: will add to existing shape (Shift can be released after drag initiated)
  • Shift + during drag: will constrain shape to perfect square or circle
  • Alt + drag initiate: will subtract from existing shape (Alt can be released after drag initiated)
  • Alt + during drag: will draw shape from center
  • Space + during drag/after drag initiated: allows precision move and placement of shape

Panel Interactions

  • Once a shape has been created, the layers panel will populate with a new layer, naming it incrementally (Rectangle 1, Rectangle 2, Ellipse 1, Ellipse 2, etc).