Feature Spec Panel: Export - adobe-photoshop/spaces-design GitHub Wiki

see also:

Export title bar icon
Export menu command
Export Modal

Canvas Interactions

  • None, except the selection of layer(s) with the super select tools

Panel Interactions

  • The Export Panel represents the configured export assets for the currently selected layer (or layers), or for the document "root" if no layers are selected
  • Any number of export assets may be configured with any combination of three properties:
    • Scale: one of a predefined set of scale factors
    • Suffix: optional suffix to be added to the resultant filename
    • Settings: the format of the image to be produced, including some variations of PNG and JPG with different qualities
  • There are two "preset" groups of assets: "iOS" and "hdpi" which are commonly used sets of assets with specific properties
  • Assets may be deleted with the "trashcan" icon
  • If more than one layer is selected, the panel will display the assets common to all layers (matched positionally)
  • The "download" icon will export the assets represented by the panel. This first asks the user (via an OS folder chooser dialog) for the folder into which the exported assets should be saved.