Filtering Options - adobe-dmeservices/custom-metadata GitHub Wiki

Filter Options

Dropdown and Multi-Dropdown fields have Filter Options. You can use Filter Options to specify one field whose value will be used to filter the possible values in this field. While you define the specific Filter Options values in the Options tab via JSON, you define the Filter Options source in the Advanced tab.

  • Your current field will filter down based on the value selected in the Filter Options Source dropdown. You can only select one source for Filter Options.
  • You define the specific values for filtering using the parent key in the JSON. When the value of the Filter Options Source Field matches the value in the parent key, that option will be included when the user selects the dropdown. See the Dropdowns and Multiple Dropdowns page for more details.
  • You can also configure the Dropdown to automatically select a value when filtering reduces the options to one value.
  • Tip: Filter Options work well when coupled with Dependencies. For instance, when a user selects a pet type, this can expose the breed while also filtering the options to match the chosen pet type. This helps to focus users on allowed values while reducing errors.

Setting filters

Users configure the specific dropdown options using the Options tab.

  • Assign a label and a value to each option for the custom field.
  • Assign a filter by assigning the value of the parent field as parent.
  • In a Multi-Dropdown Field, you can also assign an array to the group key, which will automatically select that option's value when the value of the Field matches a value in the group array.

Assigning Filters

Once you are satisfied with your changes, click Save to exit the metadata field.

To save all of the changes that you have made in the View Editor, click Save and then close the window to exit the View Editor.

Save and Close the view editor

To load your new View, click Done. The Custom Metadata Panel will now reload with your new View settings.