Zeroscreen SwiftUI - admiral-team/admiralui-ios GitHub Wiki


The component is used to attract the user's attention as a message. A view with title, subtitle and image.


public struct ZeroScreenView: View


Pop-ups over content often include a short informative message, an illustration, and action buttons. In the library, the component is presented in several variants and several dimensions

The component is often used for the welcome screens of the application and to introduce the user to the functionality. In the library, the component is presented in two versions, the difference of which lies in the design of the “Next” button. It is also possible to turn off any of the attributes in the layers and replace the illustration with any of the ones presented in the library.

Configure a ZeroScreenView

  image: Image(uiImage: PrivateAsset.Custom.Informers.question.image),
  title: "Title Center",
  subtitle: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.",
  buttonTitle: "Ok",
  buttonAction: {}


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