Vertical Calendar SwiftUI - admiral-team/admiralui-ios GitHub Wiki


The component that let users select a date, or a range of dates


public struct CalendarView: View

Live example


This component is presented in two versions: Vertical Mode and Horizontal Mode. Additionally, you can configure parameters such as the locale, start date, end date, selected start date, selected end date, the date month that will appear when the calendar appears, and disabled dates after a certain date.

The vertical calendar can be scrolled vertically, presented in the form of a table and divided into sections. Each section is a specific month.

Configure a CalendarView vertical

     type: .vertical,
     startDate: startDate,
     endDate: endDate,
     selectedStartDate: $selectedStartDate,
     selectedEndDate: $selectedEndDate,
     monthYearDate: Date(),
     notActiveAfterDate: Date()
.onChange(of: selectedStartDate, perform: { (_) in })
.onChange(of: selectedEndDate, perform: { (_) in })


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