ListCell SwiftUI - admiral-team/admiralui-ios GitHub Wiki


A view that displays leading, trailing and image views


public struct ListCell<L, C, T>: ListViewCell where L: View , C: View, T: View


ListCell allows you to dynamically build cells by leading, center and trailing rules.

Live example

Configure a ListCell with center element:

 ListCell<EmptyView, SubtitleTitleListView, EmptyView>(
     centerView: {
             title: "Title",
             subtitle: "Subtitle"

Configure a ListCell with center and trailing elements:

  centerView: { TitleListView(title: item.title) },
  trailingView: { ArrowListView() }

You can also control highlighting by adding isHighlighted property:

  centerView: { TitleListView(title: item.title) },
  trailingView: { ArrowListView() },
  isHighlighted: .constant(true)

Configure a ListCell with leading, center and trailing elements:

   leadingView: { ImageCardListView(cardImage: Image(uiImage: Asset.Card.rnb.image)) },
   centerView: { TitleListView(title: "Title") },
   trailingView: { IconListView(image: Image(uiImage: Asset.Card.rnb.image)) }

You can also mark cell as selected by adding isSelected property:

   leadingView: { ImageCardListView(cardImage: Image(uiImage: Asset.Card.rnb.image)) },
   centerView: { TitleListView(title: "Title") },
   trailingView: { IconListView(image: Image(uiImage: Asset.Card.rnb.image)) },
   isSelected: .constant(false)


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