Circle Page Control - admiral-team/admiralui-ios GitHub Wiki


Circle Page Control - An element with a button and a circular indicator that shows the number of pages and makes it possible to navigate to the next page.


public class CirclePageControl: UIView, AnyAppThemable


Circle PageControl may be needed to navigate to the next page of the view, for example by Onbording. Depending on the number of travelers, the circular indicator will be filled with color.

Live example

Configure a CirclePageControl

Configuration a Circle PageControl with duration animation filling circular indicator

let pageControl = CirclePageControl()
pageControl.duration = 0.3
pageControl.currentPage = 0
pageControl.totalPages = 5


For handling tap to center button and track change number of page, you need set delegate.

pageControl.delegate = self

The delegate must adopt the protocol CirclePageControlDelegate. CirclePageControlDelegate implements two methods:

func didTapCenterButton()
func didChangePage(page: Int)


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