AdmiralSwiftUI Controls TagControl - admiral-team/admiralui-ios GitHub Wiki


A TagControl is a label that marks and catalogs information to facilitate the search process. When you click on a tag, all elements with this tag are loaded..


TagControl(title: "Title",
            tagStyle: .attention,
            leadingView: {
                         Image(uiImage: "Your image")
            tapTagControl: {}

To create a TagControl, you can use four initializers:

Initializer parameters:
- without leadingView or trailingView
- with leadingView
- with trailingView
- with leadingView and with trailingView

TagControl also has six display styles:
- empty style
- default
- success
- additional
- error
- attention

Live Example

To run live demo with TagControl open Xcode and run project with Example target. Then in the main page open Page Controls/TagControl:


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