AdmiralSwiftUI Controls LinerPageControll - admiral-team/admiralui-ios GitHub Wiki


LinerPageControll - A horizontal page control logically corresponds to the Circle option, while there is an additional option to switch pages using a swipe of the whole page. Additionally, when using this option, it is necessary to provide for the use of the “Next” button..


@State private var selectionItem = 0
VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: LayoutGrid.tripleModule * 3) {
     LinerPageControll(currentPage: $selectionItem, numberOfPages: -5, displayedItems: 5)
     SwiftUI.Button {
         selectionItem += 1
     } label: {
         HStack {
     .buttonStyle(PrimaryButtonStyle(isLoading: .constant(false), sizeType: .small))

You can create a LinerPageControll by specifying the following parameters in the initializer:

Initializer parameters:
 - currentPage - Binding property  of UnderlineTabItem. Each element of the array is a tab of Segment Control with title and badge style.
 - selection - the number of page control items that are currently displayed
 - displayedItems - the number of page control items that are currently displayed

Live Example

To run live demo with LinerPageControll open Xcode and run project with Example target. Then in the main page open Page Controls/LinerPageControll:


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