AdmiralSwiftUI Controls CirclePageControlStyle - admiral-team/admiralui-ios GitHub Wiki


The style for creating the CirclePageControl Button. To configure the current button style for a view hierarchy, use the buttonStyle(_:) modifier. You can create buttons in two styles: (default, additional) by specifying style in init CirclePageControlStyle:.


Button(action: {}, label: {})
     .buttonStyle(CirclePageControlStyle(totalPages: 7, style: .additional))

You can create a CirclePageControl by specifying the following parameters in the initializer:

Initializer parameters:
 - step: Binding<Int> - The current page of page control.
 - style: CirclePageSliderStyle - The style of button.
 - totalPages: Int - The number of pages of page control.

Live Example

To run live demo with LinerPageControll open Xcode and run project with Example target. Then in the main page open Page Controls/CirclePageControl:


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