AdmiralSwiftUI Chat ChatInput - admiral-team/admiralui-ios GitHub Wiki


ChatInput - A view for chat input message and add files.


     contentType: .default,
     returnKeyType: .send,
     autocapitalizationType: .none,
     autocorrectionType: .default,
     isResponder: .constant(false),
     placeholder: "Введите сообщение",
     tapSendButton: {},
     tapFileButton: {},
     isShowFileButton: true

You can create a ChatInput by specifying the following parameters in the initializer

 - content: Binding<String - The text that the text field displays.
 - contentType: UIKeyboardType - The semantic meaning for a text input area.
 - returnKeyType: UIReturnKeyType - The visible title of the Return key.
 - autocapitalizationType: UITextAutocapitalizationType - The autocapitalization style for the text object.
 - autocorrectionType: UITextAutocorrectionType - The autocorrection style for the text object.
 - isResponder: Binding<Bool?> - Is ChatInput responder
 - placeholder: String - The string that displays when there is no other text in the text field.
 - tapSendButton: @escaping () - Tap send button. Return true if you want clear text.
 - tapFileButton: @escaping () - Tap file button.
 - isShowFileButton: Bool - Will the file button be shown.
 - formatter: Formatter?
 - isSendButtonDisabled: Bool? - Flag send button disabled.
 - maxNumberOfLines: Int? - Max number of lines input.
 - maxHeight: CGFloat? - Max height input
 - onCursorPosition: An action to perform change cursor position. On enter 3 parameters - startCursor, currentCursor, text. Return cursor position.

Live Example

To run live demo with ChatInput open Xcode and run project with Example target. Then in the Chat -> Input


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