dll - admb-project/admb GitHub Wiki

DLL Compilation

Ongoing effort to make DLL compilation a standard option in ADMB (Aaron, Allan, Arni, Chris, Iago, Laurie, Matthew, Weihai)

2012-03-26 Email DLL Success - Arni : Please upload your platform-specific DLL "success stories"

simpdll File text/x-perl simpdll.tpl : Example from ADMB user manual

File C source code Example compilng dll using MS Visual C : Compiling commands for DOS and r-code showing how to compile a dll and run it in R.

DLL compilation for VS with an R access example : DLL compilation for the Windows VS compiler is now working. Enter the following command at the command line in the directory in which you save these files: admb - d simple. Open the R gui in the same directory and issue this command: source("simple.r"). Then look at the ouput object: xx