6. Tools - adle29/cs373-idb GitHub Wiki


We used a variety of tools in this project. For organizational purposes, we will segregate the tools into three categories: Back-End, Front-End, and Work Flow. Back-End tools are the different language, libraries, and other tools to facilitate the database management and server management. Front-End tools are the different languages, and tools which we used to design the actual site, animate different UI components and populate the site with useful widgets. Finally, the Work Flow tools are the tools we uses as a group which was not directly used in the implementation of the website but facilitated in organizing ideas and work, as well as version control, continuous integration and code documentation.


  • Python
    • Flask
      • A multi-use web framework for Python
    • SQLAlchemy
      • A open-source SQL toolkit and object-relational mapper
    • requests
      • A HTTP library used to obtain data from the web


  • Bootstrap
    • A font-end framework for designing dynamic and non-trivial web pages.
  • Angular.js
    • A complete JavaScript-based open-source client and server-side web application framework
  • Angular-routes.js
  • Twitter Embedding


  • Git
    • A version control system
  • Github
    • A online git repository hosting service
  • Slack
    • A customizable developer chat and communication tool
  • Travis CI
    • A continous integration tool
  • Apiary
    • An online API documentation service