EventController - adkuba/TL-backend GitHub Wiki


Create Event


POST /api/events

Request Body


Parameter Type Description
id String optional, autogenerated ID
title String event's title
timelineId String event's timelineId
description String event's description
pictures List<FileResource> event's images
date LocalDate event's date yyyy-MM-dd


HTTP Status Code Scenario
201 Ok event created
400 Bad Request error

Returns created event.

Create events


POST /api/events/multiple

Request Body
List of Events


HTTP Status Code Scenario
201 Ok events created
400 Bad Request error

Returns created events in list.

Add pictures


POST /api/events/{id}/pictures

Path variable

Variable Type Description
id String event's id

Request param

Parameter Type Description
pictures List<MultipartFile> images to add

consumes "multipart/form-data"


HTTP Status Code Scenario
201 Ok images added to event
400 Bad Request error

Returns event with added pictures. Pictures are now in Google Storage and parsed to URL link in response.

Add pictures URL

Links already uploaded pictures to event. Usefull during event edit.


POST /api/events/{id}/picturesURL

Path variable

Variable Type Description
id String event's id

Request param

Parameter Type Description
picturesURL List<String> imagesURL to add


HTTP Status Code Scenario
201 Ok images added to event
400 Bad Request error

Returns event with added pictures.

Delete event


DELETE /api/events/{id}

Path variable

Variable Type Description
id String event's id


HTTP Status Code Scenario
204 No Content event deleted

Get events by timeline id


GET /api/events/public

Request params

Parameter Type Description
timelineId String main timeline id
view Boolean not required, user statistics by jwt token

List of EventResponse, mapped by eventsMapper.

Event response

    "id": "ddggshe34f",
    "title": "myEvent",
    "shortDescription": "my event's short desc",
    "description": "my event's desc",
    "links": [ #hashMap
            "Link's title",
            "link's url"
    "pictures": [
    "date": 2020-12-23 #localDate

Get all subEvents by main timelineId

Returns all sub events - events linked with additional sub timeline, sub timeline is linked to main timeline.


GET /api/events/allSubEventsByMainTimelineId

Request params

Parameter Type Description
timelineId String main timeline id

Returns List<List<EventResponse>> you can imagine inside list as subTimeline.

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