Seller View Add Product - aditya1962/BuyGrand GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Overview
  2. Data processing architecture
  3. Demos

Basic Overview

This page serves a seller to add a product to the system. On page load all categories and their respective subcategories are displayed. The seller has the ability to add an image and other attributes of a product and add a product.

Data Processing Overview

The data processing workflow for this page is shown in the image below:

Data Processing Workflow

As shown in the image, on page load a service reference to the AddProduct web service in the ServiceApplicationBuyGrandSeller project is made. With this reference the Seller view can pass data from and to databases. On page load a list of categories and their subcategories are displayed. Then the user has the option for adding a product.

Both the BuyGrandSeller database and the BuyGrandSellerReadReplica databases are used.
