Admin View Manage Seller - aditya1962/BuyGrand GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Overview
  2. Data processing architecture
  3. Features
  4. Demos

Basic Overview

This page serves the admin to manage sellers in the system. On page load details about sellers such as their username, name, email address, and their country are displayed. The admin has the ability to delete a seller and send an email to them (using smtp) given their correct login credentials.

Data Processing Overview

The data processing workflow for this page is shown in the image below:

Data Processing Workflow

As shown in the image, on page load complete a service reference to the ManageSeller web service in the ServiceApplication project is made. With this reference the Admin view can pass data from and to databases.

On page load a list of sellers along with their username, name, email address, and their country are displayed in a filter and pagination view.

Then the admin has the option for deleting a specific seller and send an email to a seller using smtp. Currently, the Gmail email server is used. In the ~/Email.cs file of the application repository all email server configurations are stored. The user can switch to any other server changing these configurations. As in load, on click event of these buttons (Delete and Send Email) the service reference is called which in turn calls stored procedures with required parameters to update the view.

There are two databases used in this page. The BuyGrandAdminRR (or Read Replica) database is used for only reading data and the other database BuyGrandAdmin is used for all other operations such as inserting, updating and deleting data.


  1. View sellers details - On page load the following content for each seller is loaded in a table. Additionally, pagination is enabled with filters starting from 25 items per page.
    • Username
    • Name
    • Email address
    • Country
    • Buttons to delete the seller and send an email to the seller
  2. Delete seller - Given the login username and login password a seller could be deleted
  3. Send email - An email could be sent to a seller with a message and subject
