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Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: actionCallName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: actionCallName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: actionCallName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: actionCallName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: processType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: apexClassName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: apexClassName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: apexClassName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: apexClassName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: apexClassName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: apexClassName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: apexClassName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: apexClassName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: apexClassName, parentScreenFieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: assignmentName, operatorName, elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, assignmentName, elementType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldValue, dataType, incompatibleDataType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, acceptedDataType, dataType, fieldValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: assignmentName, operatorName, leftElementName, leftElementType, rightElementName, rightElementType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: assignmentName, operatorName, leftElementName, rightElementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, dataType, incompatibleDataType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName, operatorName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: assignmentName, operatorName, dataType, elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: assignmentName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName, operatorName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: assignmentName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: choiceLookupName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: choiceName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: screenFieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: questionName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: choiceName, parentScreenFieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: choiceName, parentScreenFieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, screenFieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: choiceName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: leftElementName, leftElementType, operatorName, rightElementName, rightElementType, ruleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, dataType, operatorName, parameterName, ruleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, leftElementType, operatorName, rightElementType, ruleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: ruleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, dataType, operatorName, parameterName, ruleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, characterLimit Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, dataType, operatorName, parameterName, ruleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: ruleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: ruleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: ruleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: constantName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: metadataValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: metadataValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, dataType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: flowDecision Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: flowDecision Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: coordinateLimit, coordinateName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: characterLimit, elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: characterLimit Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldReference Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, elementName, assignmentName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, elementName, elementType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, dataType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, elementName, elementType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectName, fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldRelationshipName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: componentName, propertyName, propertyType, errorCode, invalidTokens Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: componentName, propertyName, propertyType, errorIdentifier, errorParams Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: componentName, propertyName, propertyType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: componentName, propertyName, propertyType, maxLength Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: componentName, criterionIndex Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: componentName, propertyName, propertyType, invalidValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: flowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: formulaExpression Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: surveyName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldRelationshipName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: processType, metadataValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: metadataValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: processType, elementType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: processType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, objectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, elementName, elementType, operatorName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, assignmentName, elementName, elementType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, operatorName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, operatorName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, elementName, elementType, operatorName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, mergeFieldReference Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, ruleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, extensionName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, extensionName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, extensionName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, fieldType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, fieldType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, extensionName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, fieldType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: dataType, fieldType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: choiceName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, fieldType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, fieldType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: choiceName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: screenRuleName, attributeName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: screenRuleName, attributeName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: screenRuleName, acceptedValues, actionValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: screenRuleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: screenRuleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: screenRuleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: screenRuleName, attributeName, fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: screenRuleName, fieldValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: screenRuleName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: characterLimit Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: choiceName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, requiredField Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, otherFieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, fieldValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectType, sobjectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, objectType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: sortOrder Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, objectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, objectName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: maxLimit Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, fieldType, requiedField Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: flowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, inputAssignmentNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, inputAssignmentNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, inputParameterNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, inputParameterNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: inputVariableName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: inputVariableName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, inputAssignmentNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, inputAssignmentNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, inputAssignmentNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, inputAssignmentNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: flowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parentFlowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, flowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, flowVersion, outputParameterNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, flowVersion, outputParameterNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, flowVersion, outputParameterNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: outputAssignment Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: outputVariableName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: outputAssignment Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, outputAssignmentName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, variableName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, flowVersion, outputParameterNames Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName, variableName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: choiceName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: choiceName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: surveyName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: surveyName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: subflowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: surveyName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName, characterLimit Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, datatype Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: fieldName, datatype Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: datatype, fieldName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName, inputParameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName, outputParameter Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName, eventParameterName, incompatibleValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName, eventParameterName, incompatibleValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName, inputParameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName, eventParameterName, incompatibleValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName, eventParameterName, incompatibleValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName, parameterName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: waitEventName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: flowName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectType Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectVariableName, oldObjectVariableName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectType, objectVariableName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: objectType, oldObjectVariableName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: metadataValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: metadataValue Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: elementName Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: Login to the Salesforce.com SOAP Api Describe an sObject Describe multiple sObjects (upto 100) Describe the Global state Describe all the data category groups available for a given set of types Describe the data category group structures for a given set of pair of types and data category group name Describes your Knowledge settings, such as if knowledgeEnabled is on or off, its default language and supported languages Describe the items in an AppMenu Describe Gloal and Themes Describe Themes Describe the layout of the given sObject or the given actionable global page. Describe the layout of the SoftPhone Describe the search view of an sObject Describe a list of entity names that reflects the current user's searchable entities Describe a list of objects representing the order and scope of objects on a users search result page Describe the compact layouts of the given sObject Describe the Path Assistants for the given sObject and optionally RecordTypes Describe the approval layouts of the given sObject Describe the ListViews as SOQL metadata for the generation of SOQL. Execute the specified list view and return the presentation-ready results. Describe the ListViews of a SObject as SOQL metadata for the generation of SOQL. Describe the tabs that appear on a users page Describe all tabs available to a user Describe the primary compact layouts for the sObjects requested Create a set of new sObjects Update a set of sObjects Update or insert a set of sObjects based on object id Merge and update a set of sObjects based on object id Delete a set of sObjects Undelete a set of sObjects Empty a set of sObjects from the recycle bin Get a set of sObjects Submit an entity to a workflow process or process a workitem convert a set of leads Logout the current user, invalidating the current session. Logs out and invalidates session ids Get the IDs for deleted sObjects Get the IDs for updated sObjects Create a Query Cursor Create a Query Cursor, including deleted sObjects Gets the next batch of sObjects from a query Search for sObjects Gets server timestamp Set a user's password Change the current user's password Reset a user's password Returns standard information relevant to the current user Send existing draft EmailMessage Send outbound email Perform a template merge on one or more blocks of text. Perform a template merge using an email template stored in the database. Perform a series of predefined actions such as quick create or log a task Describe the details of a series of quick actions Describe the details of a series of quick actions available for the given contextType Retreive the template sobjects, if appropriate, for the given quick action names in a given context Describe visualforce for an org Find duplicates for a set of sObjects Find duplicates for a set of ids Return the renameable nouns from the server for use in presentation using the salesforce grammar engine Sforce SOAP API
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