Home - adithya/image-repo GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the image-repo API reference! Here you can find all the API documentation for the endpoints in the image-repo project, as well additional details about their implementation. If you would like you can run requests by importing the repo's insomnia collection.

You can find the instructions to setup image-repo here, and to get it running here.

It is recommended that you visit the documentation in the following order:

  1. Users, to register and authenticate with a user
  2. Photos, to upload some public/private photos, get details about photos uploaded, or to delete photos
  3. Feed, to get list of all photos uploaded

Before getting started ensure the web server and Google Cloud Storage emulator are running by making the following requests:

To ensure that the web server is running:

Endpoint GET /GetVersion


curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:8080/GetVersion



To ensure that the Google Cloud Storage emulator is running:

Endpoint GET /storage/v1/b


curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:4443/storage/v1/b

