3. Create Project In Pytest Historic - adiralashiva8/pytest-historic GitHub Wiki

In this section will discuss on how to create project in Pytest Historic:

Assumption: User already installed pytest-historic (refer readme.md) for installation command

Step 1: Initiate Pytest Historic server (flask app)

  • Open command prompt

  • Type pytesthistoric and hit enter (as below image)

    By default pytesthistoric will be started on

  • Go to http://localhost:5000/ in browser (following image should be shown)

    Here is similar to localhost or youripaddress

Step 2: Create Database (project)

  • Click on Get Started button in landing page

  • Pytest Historic home page should be loaded

  • Click on + New Project button

  • Enter project name, Description , Image URL and click create

  • Project will be created and shown in home page

    Note: Project name plays vital role in pytest-historic, remember project name to push data into it

You have successfully created project in pytest-historic