Bulma Vs Bootstrap - adil0314/CMS GitHub Wiki

It is because of the CSS frameworks that we are able to create consistent, concise, and effective UI for our applications. There are many factors that are to be considered while choosing a specific CSS framework for our application. This includes responsiveness, accessibility, and structure. And today we are going to talk about the two very important frameworks and the difference between them, these are Bootstrap and Bulma. By understanding the differences between the two, you can easily choose the right framework for your application.

Bootstrap: Bootstrap is known to be one of the biggest CSS frameworks and is a sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework. It is used for faster and easier web development and uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript .

Bulma: Now if we talk about Bulma, then it is an open source, simple, and modern CSS framework that is dependent on flexbox. It is mostly used for developing responsive layout structure. It is a fully responsive, mobile-first, and purely CSS based.

History of Bootstrap: Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter. This CSS framework was released as an open source product in the year 2011 on GitHub.

History of Bulma: As per Bulma, it was established in the year 2016 and distributed under MIT license. The current version of Bulma was released on April 18, 2018.

Features of Boostrap: Bootstrap includes the following, • Basic structure with Grid system. • JavaScript Plugins. • CSS file. • Total number of elements: 49. • Minimized CSS size: 68kb. Gzip: 12kb.

Features of Bulma: Bulma also has a variety of features which include, • Own grid system. • No jQuery plugin and Javascript. • Total number of elements 53. • Minimized CSS size: 73kb. Gzip: 10kb.

Bootstrap programming languages: Bootstrap has the following programming languages. • CSS. • HTML. • JavaScript. • Less. • SaSS

Bulma programming languages: Bulma has the following programming languages. • CSS. • Sass.

Accessibility (Bootstrap): Bootstrap offers an easy-to-use framework of ready-made styles, layout tools, and interactive components. It allows developers to create different websites and application which are visually appealing, are functionality rich, and accessible out of the box. Accessibility (Bulma): Bulma offers some support for accessibility but it cannot be compared to Bootstrap and bootstrap has a stringer and persuasive compatibility with WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

Advantages of Bootstrap: Bootstrap comes with a variety of advantages and some of them are mentioned below. • It comes with fewer cross browser bugs. • It offers a consistent framework that supports all browsers and CSS compatibility fixes. • Similarly, it comes with responsive structures and styles. • Next, it has several JavaScript plugins using the jQuery. • Next, it offers good documentation and community support.

Disadvantages of Bootstrap: Like advantages, bootstrap also has some disadvantages and some of them are mentioned below. • If you don’t do heavy customization in bootstrap, then you would have to go an extra mile to create a different design otherwise all the websites would look the same. • The styles in bootstrap are quite verbose and can lead to lots of unnecessary output. • It has a non-compliant HTML. • Similarly, JavaScript is tied to jQuery and is known to be one of the commonesy library leaving most of the plugins unused.

Advantages of Bulma: Bulma also has a variety of advantages to offer and some of them are mentioned below. • The CSS file of Bulma has found out to be very lightweight as well as simple to customize. • It is easy to use. • It offers a responsive design. • It allows front-end development experts to create fancy designs having integrated FlexBox. • Similarly, it is highly customizable and modularizable. • Next, it has a very simple syntax.

Disadvantages of Bulma: • The CSS of Bulma runs very slow on IE web browser. • The biggest disadvantage is that it is still in the development phase and final version is yet to come. • It is fairly new and not as large of a community.

Conclusion: So this was everything we had to share about Bootstrap and Bulma with our readers. Now sit back, and relax and understand the differences between the two CSS framework. And don’t forget to stay safe, stay home, and never stop learning.