Installation - adihaya/GameGrid GitHub Wiki

Install: Mac OS X/Unix/Linux (*nix Operating Systems)

First, click here to download all assets in a zip file. Open the zip file. You will see a folder with the words "GameGrid-master" in it's name. Make sure you remember the location of that folder (e.g. ~/Downloads/Gamegrid-master). Now go to your command line app (Terminal/CommandPrompt) and type cd and then the location of that folder (aka. cd ~/Downloads/Gamegrid-master if it is in your /Users/username/Downloads folder). Hit enter. Now type irb and hit enter. Wait for about 10 seconds, until you see the system say something like irb(main):6415:0>. When you do, type require 'install'. Hit enter. GameGrid will install at very high speeds, due to powerful accelerators. When done, type cd /Applications, and hit enter. Then type irb, again. Again, wait for about 10 seconds, until you see the system say something like irb(main):6415:0>. Then, type require 'GameGrid'<-- This part is different Hit enter. The game will load in about 10 seconds. You will take a small, 3-question survey on where you installed GameGrid from. When done with the survey, type play to start the game!

Install: Windows/Other

First, click here to download all assets in a zip file. Open the zip file. You will see a folder with the words "GameGrid-master" in it's name. Make sure you remember the location of that folder (e.g. C:/Downloads/gamegrid-master). Now, install the Ruby driver (if you don't have it yet) from Ruby Installer. Open command prompt (or CMD.exe) and type cd and the location of the Gamegrid-master folder (aka. C:/Downloads/gamegrid-master) and hit enter. Now, type ruby install.rb and hit enter. GameGrid will install at very high speeds, due to powerful accelerators. When done, type cd plainly, hit enter, then type cd /Applications or cd and whatever is the location of your Apps folder, and hit enter. Now, type irb, hit enter, and wait for about 10 seconds, until you see the system say something like irb(main):6415:0>. When you do, type require 'GameGrid', and hit enter. You will take a 3-question survey on where you installed GameGrid from. When done with survey, type play to start the game.